I’ve been in the film industry for over 30 years as a writer, filmmaker and producer. Training as an actor has helped me as a public speaker, moderator and presenter, and I’ve participated in many workshops, panels and discussions on the subject. Things have changed since becoming a Director at Berlin Sci-Fi Filmfest in 2017 and Haunted House FearFest in 2018. Filmmaking and film festivals have become the heart of my working life. As a result, I have learned so much about my mistakes as a filmmaker.
It has been a necessary learning process that has guided me to where I am today. The result of this has been the development of my book AN INDEPENDENT FILMMAKERS GUIDE TO PREPARING & SUBMITTING TO FILM FESTIVALS
My website SUBMITTING TO FILM FESTIVALS has all the information you could need along with several FREE RESOURCES. This includes cheat sheets and templates to help with all aspects of your production. So hit the button below for more information.
Thank you Anthony. It’s really helpful! Longwei Deng
This is great thank you. I’ve read it over and it seems like a trailer, letter to the festival and directors statement would be three key things to add to my submission and will do so this week. Lauren R. Fritz
This is has been very insightful and helpful. Thank you. Deirdre Bound
Before developing the book I created a brochure for each submitter to both festivals. It aims to give a cut-down version of what you need to provide and improve with your submission. This was called Creating Success With Your Submission.
It has had great reviews from the filmmakers and after many requests, it is now available as an updated version created especially for Kindle.
Submitting to Film Festivals is available for only 3$ on Amazon less than the price of any submission you make. There is nothing to lose and everything to gain by understanding the art of Submitting to Film Festivals
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